It's officially Christmas-time and I am far too excited right now. Around this time of year when I was younger, I used to flick through the Argos catalogue and cut out things I liked. This would be the optimum of a wishlist for 6 year old me. As I have grown older, I have realised I am pretty crap at hinting what I would like for birthdays and Christmases.

This was until one Autumn day a couple of years ago I stumbled upon The Michalaks, who are family vloggers film makers (seriously go watch their videos). I fell in love with them. As I gradually became obsessed with them, I found out that Stefan had a company called Wantfeed. Wantfeed is basically an online wishlist where you can see what other people wish for and you can make a list of items you would like. I straight away made an account and became addicted.

I mean how many times have you been stuck on what to get someone as a gift? This would solve that issue. Or, have you just wanted something so badly for Christmas, but like me you're just so bad at giving hints. This website is solving many issues...

I genuinely feel as though I am really easy to buy for, but people seem to disagree with me. I am aaaaalways wanting something... it's probably not healthy how much I enjoy shopping (*cough* window shopping....)

The site is super easy to use! Firstly find something you want (this is far too easy for me).

Then just copy and paste the URL of what you want into the space provided.

Then this little box will pop up...

Fill it in accordingly, and then click "Add to Wantfeed". Like I previously said, it is soooo easy.

There is also an app which I am obsessed with. I sit swiping away on it in lectures, on trains, in the car (not when I'm driving), in bed at 1am when I really should be sleeping... I'd say it's got a Tinder-esc idea where if you like something you swipe right, if you don't - swipe left, and if you want to "re-want" an item you drag it down. It's just so quick and easy I could sit there for hours on it.

You can find Wantfeed here 

My Wantfeed 
Check out The Michalaks on Youtube here

What are you all asking for for Christmas this year?




  1. You're too kind, thanks for your support! The new Wantfeed should be out in a few months, if you like the current one then you're in for a big surprise when we relauch. Stef xxx


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