By my own definition, I'm extremely laid back, perhaps a little too laid back in fact. But sometimes, just sometimes, even the most laid back of people need to take a step back. A step back from the crazy whirlwind that is everyday life; the evergrowing to do list, the constant pressure from ourselves and others to achieve, and the need to always have more in life. A never ending roundabout of absolute stress - just pass a girl a glass of Prosecco already.

We live in a fast-paced, social media driven world that is more interested in the "things" we own rather than the things that matter most in life; health, happiness, friends and family. Material items such as expensive cars, posh houses and designer clothes mean zilch if we don't have those four things. Material items will never equal happiness, but that doesn't stop us from thinking they will.

To me, life is about those little moments; laughing until your stomach aches, catching up with friends, going on a walk and taking in all the surroundings - heck, simply waking up in the morning is something that we can all take for granted at times.

But the trouble is, we don't stop to take a minute to think of all the simple things that make our lives so great, nearly half as much as we should. We're too busy comparing ourselves, and what we have - or what we don't have more to the point - with others. It's so easy to feel insignificant, and life everybody else has this absolutely amazing life, or is moving faster/achieving more than you.

And the funny thing is, although I might not have achieved some of the things others have in life, when I finally climb out the "everybody is so much more successful than me" bubble, I realise that, you know what, I'm happy. Extremely bloody happy. Yeah, I might not have an amazing job (or a job at all for that matter...), a car (I can't even drive) or a "perfect" body, but I do have the best, most supportive family and friends, I am on an amazing course at University that I have always wanted to do, I live in a gorgeous city in the best house and I am happy and healthy.

We're all slightly guilty of spending too much time concentrating on others' lives, when that time could be spent improving our own or realising that we are already incredibly lucky. Strip it back, and you realise that not achieving an A* in your exams, isn't the end of the world, and so what if you don't have the latest smartphone?! Focus on what you do have, instead of what you don't have, and I promise you'll feel 100x happier with your life.

Somebody is always going to be "prettier", "more successful" or "better" than you, so let's start embracing the life that we live. Work on being pretty kind, pretty funny, pretty smart, pretty strong FOR YOURSELF.

Phew, I'm sorry if that just brought on cringe induced nausea, or made you do a major eye roll...

What are your thoughts on the matter? I'd love to hear them!




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