You know those bad moods that don't just last a couple of hours, not a day, but an entire bloody week instead? Well last week I experienced what can only be described as a week long mood... Arctic Monkeys 'mardy bum' argumentative, and I had a face on style - which doesn't quite add up as I had such a fabulous week, despite feeling all round irritated.

My week was made up of spending the day in Lincoln with my mum, Skegness for the day with my grandparents, Liverpool with my brother, pub quiz, a night out, moving back to Lincoln for my third year at University, spending the evening with one of my best friends, paint balling and a meal at Zizzis and yet I didn't enjoy it half as much as I should have. And do you know why? Because I was too busy wrapped up in what other people thought of me and my life.

Yep, that's right, for the first time in a while I let other people's judgemental comments eat me up and get the better of me - school girl error #101.

Now, I'm usually pretty good at not giving a damn about what others think, so looking back I'm annoyed at myself for caring enough to let the comments put a dampener on my week. Instead of worrying about others opinions on why I always hang out with my mum, and panicking that my photos from travelling make me look "fat", I should have spent that time enjoying myself and not giving a damn if people liked me or not - but that's easy to say in hindsight.

After all, life is all about focusing on yourself, and the people that matter most to you - not what other people think, because if that was the case, we'd never do anything in fear of being judged.

Do something positive - people will have their opinion, achieve something - people will have their opinion, stand up for yourself - people will have an opinion... basically, you might as well do exactly what you please and be yourself unapologetically, because you'll get judged no matter what you do and say, unfortunately.

You need to ignore what everyone is doing and achieving. Your life is about breaking your own limits and outgrowing yourself to live YOUR best life. You are not in competition with anyone else; plan to outdo your past, not other people.

It's okay if people think that you should have a good job by now, or that you shouldn't spend as much money on clothes as you do, honestly, if you're happy with the life you're living, why does it matter what others think?

If you love a piece of clothing that you think others may not like, or it isn't "stylish" but you adore it and it makes you feel confident - why not wear it? If you enjoy painting your face and covering yourself in red lipstick and eyeliner - go for it. Or maybe you aren't a fan of makeup and prefer staying o'natural - that's fine too. Just please remember not to make the mistake of listening to others negative comments and letting them affect your mood, it's your life.


When reading this -- please change the word "damn" to "fuck" 



  1. Lovely post Charlotte! It's so important to try and not live to others expectations. 💕💕

    1. Thank you so much, lovely! You're the best xxxx

  2. Love yous 2 da moon and back


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